United Rugby
Téama ag tosú le Leinster v Munster – Foireann tosaigh don leathcheannais URC 2023
Tá ceithre athrú pearsanra agus dhá bhogearra faoi leith sa bhfoireann rugbaí i Munster a bhuaigh ar shiúl chuig Glasgow Warriors sa chluiche ceathrú ceannais an...
United Rugby
/ 2 years agoFoireann túsaithe Chonnacht Rugbaí le imirt in aghaidh Stormers sa leathcheannais URC
Tá foireann bhainistíochta Chonnacht agus iad ar bharr cluiche in aghaidh DHL Stormers ag seasamh lena rogha 23 d’imirt in aghaidh...
United Rugby
/ 2 years agoAthraíonn Connaught ceithre áit sula mbuama cuimsitheach in aghaidh Fórsaí Glaschú
An féidir leat aistriú ó Béarla go Gaeilge mar iriseoir spóirt le fotheidil? Tá an fhoireann bainistíochta Chonnacht tar éis ceithre...
United Rugby
/ 2 years agoGlasgow Warriors v Rugbaí Connacht – Réamhamharc, Staitisticí, Nuacht Fhoireann agus Réitithe
Tá Glasgow Warriors ag súil le sár-chluiche a thaispeáint in aghaidh Connacht sa chéad agus sa deireadh babhta de Chomórtas Rugbaí...
United Rugby
/ 2 years agoList of Connacht rugby players departing at end of 2022/23 season
It’s the part of sports that we hate – having to say watch players and staff that have done so much...
United Rugby
/ 2 years agoConnacht team named for Cardiff clash
Connacht will welcome back six players from injury for tomorrow’s crucial BKT United Rugby Championship clash with Cardiff at The Sportsground...
United Rugby
/ 2 years agoList of Connacht rugby players for 2023/24
We have the list of all players in the Connacht Rugby squad for 2023/24 these include contract extensions and new players...
United Rugby
/ 2 years agoURC – Starting rugby teams and coaches comments from every game
The teams for this weekend’s Round 5 fixtures of the BKT United Rugby Championship have been named with all details of...
United Rugby
/ 2 years agoVideo highlights – Connacht beat Munster
Connacht got their first win of the season in front of a sold-out Sportsgrounds on Friday night by defeating provincial rivals...
United Rugby
/ 2 years agoAll the facts fans need to know for Connacht v Munster
All the facts fans need to know for Connacht v Munster. Kick off 7:35pm Friday. CONNACHT v MUNSTER Connacht Connacht have...